Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  5
Number of Issues  15
Number of Articles  156
Article View  26,724
PDF Download  59,444
View Per Article  171.31
PDF Download Per Article  381.05

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An Open Access journal, biannual issues/ year (MARCH, SEPTEMBER). The first to be published by Faculty of Nursing affiliated to Modern University for Technology & information, as a private university in Egypt. Other health-related faculties within the university are invited to share by articles & researches within their discipline (Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental & oral as well as Physical therapy). 

The journal magnifies the value of health team members' -of different discipline- understanding and mutual cooperation in education, training & research for better health care provision & development according to community needs throughout the Health continuum.

Editorial board' members are senior academic professors of different specialties of nursing sciences affiliated to MTI university. Our Head of the board is a reviewer in the WHO journal & former nursing consultant, the Egyptian Ministry of Health  Two of our editorial board members are prize winners for their scientific achievements granted from Ain Shams University.

Reviewers Board includes deans & academic professors representing nationally accredited governmental & private faculties of nursing as well as the previously mentioned MTI health-related Faculties.

Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2 - Serial Number 16, June 2024, Pages 1-114 

Publication Information

Modern University for Technology & Information, Faculty of Nursing

Chairperson Deputy Editor Editor-in-Chief English Text Editor Advisory Board Associate Editor Statistician Honorary Editor Technical Editor
Print ISSN
Online ISSN